His real name Md. Pavel Khan but he is best known as "Pavel Bhai" on social media and youtube. He is also known as the youngest influencer and Youtuber. Pavel Bhai influencing a young age group towards digital opportunity. We must know how to hold ”the chance” that comes our way. One needs to trust himself/herself and never stop exploring, the success will come in handy is what we learn from this young gentleman. He grabbed his chance at the age of 16 when he entered the world of youtube and digital creator and soon worked hard enough to change its definition by becoming an expert. What makes him even more of a goal-reacher is his unwavering adherence to change according to the needs of the environment around and always be updated with the changes in technology. He has taught us to have all control over the potential field one is planning to pursue; once this is done one can master it in no time.
Pavel Bhai is at the top of gaining a lot of popularity in a very short time. He is an actor who has taken place in people’s minds in a short time. Name: Md. Pavel Khan. Nickname (Pavel Bhai) He was born in Lalmonirhat Sadar,Lalmonirhat. He was born on September 01,2001. He came to Rajshahi in 2015. He then engages himself with acting over time. Now with his acting, he has easily taken place in people’s minds.He is also a great Digital creator,Influencer and Entrepreneur. He is very famous in Bangladeshi Young Generation.
Originally he made videos in his regional language. Which forces people to fall in love with him. “I am a strong believer of opportunity giving and for sure where I stand is also through the same. I have been trying to shape my dreams for long. I noticed many stood against me but I knew, if I want to create best, I need to stop listening opinions of others and look after what my heart wants me to become. I wanted to see how far my desires can take me and there I found myself with views which were increasing daily,” Pavel Bhai said.